Mortgages with Complex Incomes

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How IMC Mortgage Brokers Can Help You

Getting a mortgage when you have one employer and an income that can be verified with payslips can still prove to be difficult at times, but what if your income is more complex than that?

More people than ever before are in the position of not having just a single regular source of income; the so-called gig economy has had an effect on how people earn their living, with many working freelance or jumping from contract to contract. Still others rely on pensions, interest payments or dividends.

No matter how your income is derived, the chances are you will still require a mortgage at some time throughout your lifetime. But what are your chances if you do not fit the standard tick-box assessment criteria?

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What is a complex income?

Income is classed as complex if it is made up of several different sources and/or can be variable. This could include, for example, someone with a full-time 9-5 job who also works in a pub on evenings and weekends; someone with two (or more) part-time jobs; someone who is self-employed, or someone with income in the form of a pension plus investment dividends. When applying for a mortgage it can be important that all sources of revenue are taken into account as this gives a prospective lender a clear picture of your financial situation and could also be beneficial if you are looking for an amount that is deemed at the height of your affordability limit; that might make the difference between moving into your dream home or having to settle for second best.

The kinds of income you might receive – and would hope to have taken into account – can include (but are not limited to):

  • Full-time wages
  • Part-time wages
  • Overtime payments
  • Sales commission
  • Annual (or other) bonuses
  • Pension
  • Investment income
  • Dividends
  • Interest on savings or investments
  • Freelance earnings
  • Rental income from buy to let
  • Royalty payments
  • Maintenance payments
  • Government benefits
  • Why a complex income can be an issue for mortgage lenders

    Most high-street lenders like things to be nice and neat and easy to assess. They prefer clients with no gaps or blots on their credit history, and a regular income from a good employer. That is why, ironically, it can sometimes be harder for the entrepreneur running a business to get a mortgage than the people they employ!

    However, many people derive income from multiple sources or from self-employment, and while that income might be regular, it can also be variable. This makes it harder to assess risk when it comes to lending money, which makes some lenders cautious.

    Complex income mortgages

    Having said all that, many people look for and get mortgages with complex incomes. It is a potential hurdle, but not necessarily a roadblock. However, to have the best chance of getting a realistic mortgage offer based on your total financial standing, you may be best off seeking help and advice from a specialist mortgage broker. They will know how to present your application in the best possible light so that all your income is taken into account for the affordability assessment, resulting in a more satisfactory mortgage offer for you.

    Get expert help and advice

    At IMC Mortgage Brokers, we have a specialist team that works hard to help all our clients secure the right possible mortgage. We understand the need for people with complex incomes to access a lender prepared to assess each case individually and to take into account bonus payments, overtime, commission, and other types of income when necessary.

    With a wide network of contacts established over many years, access to over 12,000 mortgage products from over 90 lenders, and exclusive rates that are not available on the high street, we can help you fully consider your options when it comes to getting a mortgage based on a complex income.

    Get in touch today for free initial advice and no-obligation quotes from our team of experienced mortgage brokers.

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